Thank you

The copyright of all pictures prior to 2011 lies with Emeline Chabanne, Lamberto Ceccanti, Ax Ess, Chiara Susanna Crespi and Agnese Trocchi.

The copyright of all pictures between 2011 and 2018 and of all homepage layout pictures lies with Hagen Stockhausen. Nutcracker 2016 pictures by Ivana Bauska.

None of the pictures may be used without the consent of the photographers.

Thank you to H.Stockhausen who created this remodeled version of my homepage, in 2016 and 2018.

Picture galleries were derived from the great "Hoverbox" by Nathan Smith.

A note from the webmaster: Please note that this page works well on all devices down to about 1000px screen width. Haven't really made a "portable" version (yet?).